Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Channel 12 News: al-Queda Threatens to Kill Americans on American Soil. Learn what you can do to stop it!

According to a recent news report on Channel 12 News, al-Queda is calling for the kidnapping and bloodshed to all Americans. Can we afford to allow people like documented al-Queda agent, John Ciampoli, the Attorney of Nassau County to be allowed freedom to run loose. How can it be this close and no one know? He confirmed he was an intrinsic part in 9-11 and an al-Queda agent in the case named, Santos vs Network of al-Queda Attorneys, 12-cv-1102 because he refused to defend himself against the charges. In the court that only means you are GUILTY as charged. I think most who have read about the court law agree, that if you do not answer that is an immediate default. But this did not happen. Why not? Because Ciampoli controls the court like he does the arab spies that are already on American soil and he is the puppetmaster.  In Long Island’s Nassau County there are cars with out of state plates and absolutely no registration and no inspection stickers. I call on the American citizens to call this into their police departmenta. They are here illegally. Most people would never know what lurks behind closed doors in Nassau County politics, but Mr. Ciampoli has demonstrated his allegiance to al-Queda in the video at this link:  http://youtu.be/goec52uyfKg  With al-Zawahiri, al-Queda’s leader after Osama Bin Laden, calling him his most trusted asset in America and in New York, can we afford to allow him to kill us? 

Already a letter that I received from a friend of mine, M. Morse was sent to Nassau County Executive, Ed Mangano which is below calling for the immediate arrest and imprisonment of this al-Queda sleeper cell, otherwise known as a mole - meanning a person who pretends to be for the good guys but works for the bad guys and is in a trusted position. See what you think? And please contact Mr. Mangano at 516-571-6000 for his response to the certified letter he already received. Americans and Long Islanders deserve to know the truth about their politicians.

                                                                                        Chris Fidis, News Reporter

                                                                                                                October 3, 2013


Mr. Ed Mangano
Nassau County Executive
Office of the County Executive
1550 Franklin Avenue
Mineola, NY 11501

Dear Mr. Mangano:

Nassau County Attorney John Ciampoli, in your cabinet has admitted in Federal Court documents by his failure to reply in the paid case Santos vs. Network of al-Queda Attorneys, 12-cv-1102, in Eastern District of New York that he is an al-Queda Agent and is working to kill Americans with America’s enemy, al-Queda on American soil. According to CNN News, the new leader of al-Queda named Sheik al-Zawahiri calls him his most trusted asset in New York and America and knows him by his real name of Omar Osama Ben Ali at the following video link: http://youtu.be/goec52uyfKg

My history is that I am a legal professional from a dynasty of lawyers and judges. I find it repugnant that as a Garden City native I have been subjected to the type of criminal behavior caused by being a witness to his guilt in Federal Court that emanates from an al-Queda Agent masquerading as a trusted public official, that of Nassau County Attorney that also directly reports to you as the head of your legal team.

My history with Ciampoli is that he supervised the ouster of me from my home at 229 Woodfield Road in West Hempstead, NY from a dead landlord of 26 years.  This house is connected to a $100 Billion fraud – right here in Nassau County and a $14,000 mortgage from Citibank that lasted 20 years, which is impossible in itself.  In fact, this dead landlord of which I have the death certificate also failed to answer in Federal Court. And yet because of Nassau County Attorney Ciampoli did he conspire with federal court employees to tamper and obstruct justice by ending the case abruptly, without any law according to the Constitution or Federal Rules of Civil Procedure – which is treason in itself.

The person who stole the house, without title or deed according to the law; then made substantial repairs to a house without permit also works for al-Queda and goes by these names: Daniel Romero, Bob Caloy, Bob Simonson, and Warren Simonson. The taxes are re-routed so that the dead man, Charles Belfi and Belfi Investment Group are still paying but not in Nassau County. Instead the money is rerouted to Monroe County where the United States Marshal has already confirmed, in the federal case Santos vs Network of al-Queda Attorneys that NO ONE is located at the place where the money is paid outa red flag for any public or legal official who wants to maintain his image that he gives a hoot about the law and is not a part of this international fraud schematic to defraud taxpayers and show the trail of al-Queda from Saudia Arabia to Nassau County, NY, USA.. This is an extremely serious breakdown of normal circumstances that require immediate intervention, not a wait and see attitude when American lives are hanging in the balance. I don’t want another 9-11 to kill more Americans - should be all Americans stance and especially legal officials that Americans put their trust in. In fact, it would be extremely disgraceful for all Americans to learn that their public officials voted into office would allow such subterfuge to continue. Americans expect their elected officials to thoroughly investigate and weed out the criminal and international terrorists as soon as possible for their own safety. The fact that there has been no further investigation means that some involved officials are preventing it from occurring. Only upon legal intervention can it be possible to stop the flow of money transfer and fraud from al-Queda in Nassau County, NY, USA outsourcing to terrorists, like Ciampoli. As an attorney, he has created a veneer of decency but instead is playing to the enemy because he was caught red-handed by admitting in the highest court - in the federal case that he gave false identification to al-Queda agents, who rammed the plane into the World Trade center, causing American deaths in the thousands. How can I be guilty for what he did? I am not an elected official but according to the new law Misprision of Treason, I have informed you as a public official and it is your duty to do something about it.

Mr. Ciampoli went on to misuse the Nassau County Police Department in a wrongful manner [Abuse of Process and Malicious Prosecution] to harass my husband and myself because we were witnesses to his guilty actions  that he is an al-Queda agent looking to kill more Americans. He had Police Officers: Dadonna, Kennedy, and Chella, rip the license plate right off from my car to cause me legal trouble. Officer Kennedy then went on to threaten my friends not to help me or they would get killed. I performed the proper procedure and contacted Legal Affairs. Then Legal Affairs, a department having responsibility to investigate wrong-doing by Police Officers, took a bribe and LOST the significant amount of evidence of these police officers -in fraternity and illegal fashion – OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE and failing to do their jobs. No amount of Public Relations is going to make that go away, because too many Jewish people now know about it. 

Officer Composto has since been Ciampoli’s right hand man to continuously give me 25 tickets of the same offense – forgetting that all agencies and personnel who work in the legal field MUST ABIDE BY THE CONFINES OF FEDERAL LAW of the United States of America.  Even though correspondence to Parking Violations Court Judge John Marks was contacted regarding the viability of the Double Jeopardy clause as it relates to even Parking Violation Law, it appears that Officer Composto and Ciampoli, who is paying him under the table have forgotten they cannot create their very own law, but must abide by Federal Law of the USA. Even if the New York Court is in a state of mass corruption whereby secret agreements betray the Constitution - making all of them treasonous to the United States of America. They do not own Nassau County nor America. Perhaps they agree with al-Queda’s takeover of the court system.

I spoke with my Rabbi in Garden City and he said I should contact you, as the buck will stop with you. I hope that my Rabbi is right about you.  The Jewish community stands together especially when it is against a known enemy, al-Queda. I have also given this paperwork to various news companies in case anything should happen to my husband or myself as a result of this letter.

We have been informed by good friend, Police Officer Madden of the Garden City Police Department that a man named Bernicki, who we were told is a Nassau County employee who constantly watches and spys on American Jews in West Hempstead, Nassau County, New York through the cameras in Jewish neighborhoods and also spys on American citizens with Ciampoli’s permission; even though this is an Invasion of Privacy and against the Constitution of the United States. I hope you are not in on this invasion of privacy as it would not only most likely cost you the election but also render you in jail for such a grievous crime against the Constitution of our country and against the Jewish-American people.

It would behoove you to do the right thing and arrest the terrorist al-Queda Agent at your elbow, John Ciampoli before more American deaths occur. For, if you do not, this may directly affect your ability to win in the upcoming election, when more people will know of your decision or lack of it – a defining moment in American history of great courage or great cowardice toward America’s enemy. Unfortunately, once you know the problem exists, a requirement also exists that spells out how deep is your involvement; i.e., if you don’t fix it that means you completely APPROVE of al-Queda in America and its mass murder of Americans. I hope and pray that it is not true.

Mr. Mangano, I ask of you the following: I want my house returned to me at 229 Woodfield Road, West Hempstead, NY, as I am still a registered voter at my house and having voted twice already; my case re-opened; arrest of al-Queda agent Ciampoli from killing more Americans; and stop the harassment by Police Officers on my husband and myself and arrest those Police Officers who have aided and abetted al-Queda agent, Ciampoli on American soil. Further I ask that Legal Affairs perform their job appropriately and have an outside company hold them accountable. Obviously, their own direct reports cannot be trusted to oversee their actions. You may reach me at (516) 000-0000.

Very truly yours,

M. Morse


cc: Police Commissioner Thomas Dale
      Police Department of Nassau County
      1440 Franklin Avenue
      Mineola, NY 11501